Thursday, 4 November 2010

Gladstone's Library

William Gladstone (1809-1898) was arguably one of Britain's greatest statesmen. A parliamentarian for sixty-three years and four times prime minister, few politicians have achieved as many lasting reforms as Gladstone. He was a pragmatic political leader with an incessant concern with history, literature, the classical world and theological disputes.

Gladstone was a voracious reader having devoured more than 20,000 books. In 1889, he established a library to create 'a congenial society for the pursuit of divine learning'. He sought to bring together scholars from all disciplines for solid and serious work for the benefit of mankind. A truly unique residential library in operation today, one can drop in, stay a night or several months, lingering amongst Gladstones' collection. It is located just three hours from Newbold College at St Deiniols in Hawarden, North Wales.

Gladstone believed that where there is truth, there is God. Oh, may we also become miners for truth and discoverers of the Divine.

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